Sunday, May 15, 2011


Welp, this is awkward. When was the last time I posted? A freaking long time ago.
Ummm... yea.

I've been a bit addicted to Tumblr and YouTube and Facebook so I've been neglecting you, Blogger. I'm sorry.
There are just too many things going on in my life, and I'm not completely okay with putting any of them on here.

It's all getting a bit hard.


Monday, July 5, 2010

Sofa king bored.

Lol. Sofa king. Geddit? *nudges with elbow*

Anywayss, I'm on my second week on mid year holidays. :/ I'm meant to be doing a project on Mt Everest atm, but I cbf. Seriously.

And I read on Mike's blog that she thought I thought the word "suck" because I'm a mod on BTT. xD I found (and still find, I'm laughign about it now) this quite funny. Let me clarify, I do as a matter of fact swear. Believe it or not, I'm not a goody two shoes. :P

I sing along to the song 'Fuck You' by Lily Allen for God's sake. xD
Oohh, shocked y'all there.

But seriously guys, I'm a 13 (almost-ish 14. :D) year old girl from AUSTRALIA. If Australians aren't a fricking swearing stereotype, then sheesh. What (or who? o.O) is?

I'm babysitting my little brother atm. He's like 10 though, so idk. He's playing the Wii. Lego Star Wars or some shit. :P He was technically supposed to stop playing like, 10 minutes ago, but oh well. I'm happy sitting at my computer.

So yerp, this is how "StikChick" really is. Lawel.

-Rachyy xx

Friday, June 18, 2010


Even though you reading my blog was most likely a one-off, ah well.

I finish 1st semester next Friday, YAY! Only one more week of boringness!
And hopefully Carlie will sleep over on the first Monday! Yay!
And I have a scout sleepover next Friday night! Yay!

Yeah now I got nothing. :3


Monday, June 14, 2010


See Jamierama? I told you I would. :D Love youu! ♥

Gives You Hell ~ The All-American Rejects

Today I had to clean my desk and my room. Fail.

The end. I have nothing to say now.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

I vent to ze futboll.

If you are mentally challenged in the imagination department, my title says "I went to the football.".
Just incase, well y'know, you're an idiot. :D

Hit Me With A Text ~ Jason Derulo feat. Mann

So yeaahhh, I went to the footy with Andrew today, Lions vs. Bulldogs. I thought the Lions might have a tiny little chance because they had Fev, but nuh.
The Dogs crushed themmm, lol. Barry hall kicked like, 9 goals.

If We Ever Meet Again ~ Timbaland feat Katy Perry

S'yeahh.... Fun stuff.
I have no idea what to type now. Greeeeaaaatttt.

So um, yep.


Friday, June 11, 2010

I'm riding solo, I'm riding solo, solooooo

♥ Jason Derulo

Happy birthday Queen! LOL jk thanks for the day off!
Haha, I saw a page with that naem on Facebook and it made me smile.
I think I'll start doing the thing where you write down the songs your listening to while your blogging again. I love my music. (:

So anywaysssss;; I've almost finished my first semester of year 8. Isn't that exciting? Haha, it isn't really, but I'm just glad the year's half over (almost).

We No Speak Americano ~ Yolanda Be Cool & Dcup

I got a new phone on Monday. My dad got angry at me and threw my other phone at the floor (tiles, jsyk) and it broke into four pieces. Yaayyyyy, new phone! With 4GB of memory ;D!! My last phone couldn't take a memory card, so I had like 30MG. :| But now it's all good, haha.

Tomorrow I'm sleeping over at Andrew's house! I haven't slept over at his house in forver and a day, honestly. Last time I went over it was just for the afternooooonnnn, but he slept over at my house on Australia Day weekend. :D Or whatever day of the week it actually was. xD

OMG ~ Usher feat. Will.I.Am

I really need ot go watch Glee, so I can watch NCIS after itt. Well I dont necissarily need to, but I really really want to. (:

So yeah, Imma go do that now.

And btw;; Ellie and Laura are babennn! Haha, love you two. :3 Americans and crazy Brits FTW!


Saturday, April 10, 2010

Map Of the Problematique!

Do I know what my title means? No.

I'm just love the song and that's what I'm listening to. ^-^ (It's by Muse <33)

Alex dumped a couple of weeks ago. I hate him.
I went on my scout camp over easter, my patrol got a silver award. (169 points.)
Carlie slept over.
I was on holidays for the past two weeks, I go back on Monday.
I have a project due Tuesday which I am nowhere near finishing.
I added a YouTube widget to the side of my blog.
I got a new pencilcase. xD

That's all I got. My stupid uninteresting life.


Thingo I found on May's blog so I decided to do it. :D

[] Achluophobia - Fear of darkness.
[x] Acrophobia - Fear of heights.
[] Agliophobia - Fear of pain.
[] Agoraphobia - Fear of open spaces or crowds.
[] Aichmophobia - Fear of needles or pointed objects.
[x] Amaxophobia - Fear of riding in a car.
[] Androphobia - Fear of men.
[] Anginophobia - Fear of angina or choking.
[] Anthrophobia - Fear of flowers.
[] Anthropophobia - Fear of people or society.
[] Aphenphosmphobia - Fear of being touched.
[x] Arachnophobia - Fear of spiders.
[] Arithmophobia - Fear of numbers.
[] Astraphobia - Fear of thunder and lightning.
[] Ataxophobia - Fear of disorder or untidiness.
[] Atelophobia - Fear of imperfection.
[] Atychiphobia - Fear of failure.
[] Aulophobia - Fear of flutes.
[x] Autophobia - Fear of being alone.

[] Bacteriophobia - Fear of bacteria.
[] Barophobia - Fear of gravity.
[] Bathmophobia - Fear of stairs or steep.
[] Batrachophobia - Fear of amphibians.
[] Bibliophobia - Fear of books.
[] Botanophobia - Fear of plants.

[] Cacophobia - Fear of ugliness.
[] Catoptrophobia - Fear of mirrors.
[] Chionophobia - Fear of snow.
[] Chromophobia - Fear of colors.
[] Chronomentrophobia - Fear of clocks.
[] Claustrophobia - Fear of confined spaces.
[] Coulrophobia - Fear of clowns.
[] Cyberphobia - Fear of computers.
[] Cynophobia - Fear of dogs.

[] Dendrophobia - Fear of trees.
[] Dentophobia - Fear of dentists.
[] Domatophobia - Fear of houses.

[] Ecophobia - Fear of the home.
[] Elurophobia - Fear of cats.
[] Ephebiphobia - Fear of teenagers.
[] Equinophobia - Fear of horses.

[] Gophobia - Fear of marriage.
[] Genuphobia - Fear of knees.
[] Globophobia - Fear of balloons.
[] Glossophobia - Fear of speaking in public.
[] Gynophobia - Fear of women.

[] Heliophobia - Fear of the sun.
[] Hemophobia - Fear of blood.
[] Herpetophobia - Fear of reptiles.
[] Hydrophobia - Fear of water.

[] Itrophobia - Fear of doctors.
[] Insectophobia - Fear of insects.
[] Ichithyophobia - Fear of fish.

[] Koinoniphobia - Fear of rooms.

[] Lekophobia - Fear of the color white.
[] Lilapsophobia - Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes.
[] Lockiophobia - Fear of childbirth.

[] Mageirocophobia - Fear of cooking.
[] Melanophobia - Fear of the color black.
[] Microphobia - Fear of small things.
[] Mysophobia - Fear of dirt and germs.

[x] Necrophobia - Fear of death or dead things.
[] Noctiphobia - Fear of the night.
[x] Nosocomephobia - Fear of hospitals.

[x] Obesophobia - Fear of gaining weight
[] Octophobia - Fear of the figure 8.
[] Ombrophobia - Fear of rain.
[] Ophidiophobia - Fear of snakes.
[] Ornithophobia - Fear of birds.

[] Papyrophobia - Fear of paper.
[] Pathophobia - Fear of disease
[] Pedophobia - Fear of children
[] Philophobia - Fear of love.
[] Phobophobia - Fear of being afraid
[] Podophobia - Fear of feet.
[] Porphyrophobia - Fear of the color purple.
[] Pteridophobia - Fear of ferns.
[x] Pteromerhanophobia - Fear of flying.
[] Pyrophobia - Fear of fire.

[] Scolionophobia - Fear of school.
[] Selenophobia - Fear of the moon.
[] Sociophobia - Fear of social evolution.
[] Somniphobia - Fear of sleep.

[x] Tachophobia - Fear of speed.
[] Technophobia - Fear of technology.
[] Tonitrophobia - Fear of thunder.
[] Trypanophobia - Fear of injections.
[] Tychiphobia - fear of accidents.

[] Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women.
[] Verminophobia - Fear of germs.
[] Wiccaphobia - Fear of witches and witchcraft.
[] Xenophobia - Fear of strangers.

There are more, but not all of them are listed. Feel free to do it yourself.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Ohhhmigawdd ♥

Aaahhhh I haven't blogged in like, forever! ♥

Well guys, lotsa stuff has happened in my absence! :)

I have a boyfriend. His name is Alex and I love him. ♥♥♥
I broke my DS but then I got it fixed. :D
I started year 8.

Actually, maybe not that much stuff has happened.

OH WAIT, I went to Jamboree. :) It was amazing, I met so many fantastic people, I shall never forget them. xox

Oh well, bye for now, not forever. (hahah rollercoaster ftw)

-Rachyy xxx

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I'm worried. Really worried.

My friend Anya and my friend (not really my friend... more classmate) Ryan are planning on running away.
You should see their FB status. It's all "fucking kill me" and depressing stuff like that. They won't tell anyone what's wrong. They're saying their lives are shit.. I don't believe that.
Anya was in my cabin on school camp. That's how I met her.
Ryan was in my class this year. that's how I met him.
I would've met them even if I didn't have those connections with them, but still.
Everyone's freaking out because they're both saying "Okay Jess, we're coming to your house" and poor Jess is going "uh, excuse me?" and everyone's trying to convince them not to do it.
I find it a bit scary actually. Tw people who aren't even 13 yet planning to run away from home.
Won't THAT be a scandal when I get back to school.
Yes, yes it will.

And now I have to go wrap Christmas prezzies for mum. With dad.

2 days 'til Christmas peeps! I promise I'll blog Friday night. :)
(More like 1 and a half days, actually. xD)

Jamboree in.. 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!! And I haven't packed yet. Oh jeez.
You should see my sexy Jambo shirts. So awesome. And sexy. ;)
Jamie and i have been obsessing over Chris Colfer lately. A lot. Way too much.
I love this vid he took at the Sydney Aquarium. x]
Glee Fish Just so freaking awesome.

Gotta go now... dad told me to come downstairs. xP
Merry Christmas Eve Eve everybody!
